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A MazeRats PC and NPC generator in PowerShell!

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Available via the PowerShell Gallery


This is a PowerShell module created to make it easy to spin up Maze Rats characters.

The source for this comes from Maze Rats Please support Ben by buying a copy of the game. While this module will make it easy to play digitally, you'll still want to have a copy of the rules.


Install-Module MazeRats

Or you can fetch it from the Powershell Gallery


The docs are generated as part of the buid and are rendered into the Docs folder. These are available here :Help docs


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Download the necessary modules via
  3. .\build.ps1 -Bootstrap
  4. I recommend using VSCode and the built in tasks.


PS > $joe = New-MazeRat
PS > $joe

Name           : Fitzhugh Crumpling
Level          : 1
XP             : 0
Strength       : 2
Dexterity      : 0
Will           : 1
Attack         : 0
Armor          : 0
Health         : 4
MaxHealth      : 4
SpellSlots     : 0
Appearance     : Brawny
PhysicalDetail : Bushy eyebrows
Background     : Sellsword
Clothing       : Practical
Personality    : Know-it-all
Mannerism      : Slow speech
Spells         : {}

PS >